Create Retro Pays
The Create Retro Pays screen enables you to review existing Retro Pay Headers and create new Retro Pays.
This screen also allows you to select the Criteria or ID Number intended to be picked up and revised by the Submit Backpay Generation process and store them with a Description that you can easily identify. Once the records are picked up and payments are re-processed by the Submit Backpay Generation program, they are grouped under the Description and Retro Pay ID assigned and made available for review and release on the Review Retro Pay screen.
- No prerequisites
Rules and Guidelines
- The Retro Pay ID generated will be used on the Retro Pay data files to identify employees with Retro Pays being processed.
- Header cannot be modified. It can only be deleted if no record has been released.
- The Delete button will not allow the entire record to be deleted if any summary record are in R (Released/ Partially Released), C (Completed/ Partially Completed/ Completion in Progress), and Generation in Progress.
Retro Batches can only be viewed by users who should have access to these records. The security is performed through the validation on the combination of Payrun Environment and Security Profile assigned to the user accessing the records, restricting the Retro Batches available in the Search Results List.
Retro Batches in Search Results List
With Payrun Environment and Security Profile: The Search Results List will only display Retro Batches whose employees are within the Payrun Environment and Security Profile of the user performing the search.
No Payrun Environment: In the event when there is no Payrun Environment selected, the only restriction applied is based on the Security Profile. Thus, if the user has no Payrun Environment selected and only has a Security Profile attached, the user will then be allowed to view records that match the user's Security Profile.
However, if a Batch contains employees who are part of the user's Security Profile and also employees who are outside of the user's Security Profile, the Batch will not be displayed in the Search Results List.
No Security Profile: In the event when there is no Security Profile, the only restriction applied is based on the Payrun Environment. Hence, if there is no Security Profile assigned to the user and only the Payrun Environment is specified, the Search Results displayed will match the search Criteria as well as the Payrun Group linked to the user's Environment.
No Payrun Environment and Security Profile: If the user has not specified a Payrun Environment and has no Security Profile assigned or the Security Profile includes all employees, the user will have access to all created Retro Batches as long as they match the Search Criteria.
When the Employee ID matches the selected Criteria but does not match the Payrun Environment and Security Profile of the user creating the retro batch, it will instead generate an exception and be displayed in the Retro Exception Report as dropped with the message "User does not have access to employee details. Employees will be dropped."
Field Information

The Retro Pay ID is auto-generated.

Enter a meaningful description for this process.

The Payrun Group may or may not be auto-populated depending on the user having a Payrun Environment selected.
- If a Payrun Environment is selected, the value in this field defaults to the corresponding Payrun Group linked to the Payrun Environment. This field will be disabled.
- If there is no Payrun Environment selected, this field is enabled and made mandatory. You will then need to fill in this field with a valid value to ensure that it will be possible to save the retro batch.
Search for Retro by

Select pay frequency from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Select the company from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Select the state from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Select the location code from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Select the wage group code from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Select the cost centre from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Select the department from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Select the account from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Select the applicable award .

Select the applicable award classification.

Select the salary code from the prompt list if required, or leave blank to include all.

Tick this field if you want to include terminated employee (you will need to Reactivate first, and then Terminate again after the retro payments is made).
By default, this is unticked.

Security validations are in place on the values allowed to be entered in the ID Number drop-down field.
- Employee ID Number will be valid based on the combination of the Payrun Environment and/or Security Profile of the user performing the search.
- If an ID Number that does not match the security validation (i.e. Payrun Environment and/or Security Profile) that is manually keyed in, on tabbing out of the field, the field will be highlighted in red to indicate that the value selected is not allowed. Attempting to save such selection will not trigger the Submit Back Pay Generation program.

Enter or select the individual employee number if you only want to process specific employee/s at this time. The remaining employee/s may be processed next time as Retro Pay ID is created.